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Momma’s Cheesecake Recipe

I am soooo glad it is winter! This really frees up some time for my true love, “Cooking.”  Today is a really cold day Up North so I’m going to try some Cherry Cheesecake! How can you possibly mess up a Cherry Cheese Cake? Well, I am going to make it with IQF Cherries because we have tons of them. Oh, for the Non Cherry farmers out there that stands for “Individually Quick Frozen,”  they are an absolute dream to work with  (NO MUSS TO FUSS)! I will share my recipe with you, but only because it is winter and I’m weak from no Cherries! hahahah… This is called “Momma’s Cheesecake”

Momma’s Cheesecake Recipe

  • 5 eggs – separated
  • 1 cup Sugar
  • 1 lb. Cream Cheese
  • 1 cup Sour Cream
  • 2 Tablespoons Flour
  • 1 tsp. Vanilla

Heat oven to 275 degrees. Butter a 9″ Spring Form pan and coat with 1/2 cup Graham Cracker Crumbs (3 Full size Crackers) 1 Tablespoon of Sugar and 1/4 tsp of Cinnamon and 1/4 tsp Nutmeg.

Beat egg yolks until thick and Lemon Colored. Gradually beat in Sugar. Break up Cream Cheese and add to Egg Yolk mixture, beating until smooth. Add Sour Cream, Flour and Vanilla until smooth.

Beat Egg Whites in a glass or metal bowl – until stiff but not dry. Gently fold into cheese mixture. Pour into prepared pan.

Bake 70 minutes. Turn off oven and leave for one hour (Without Opening Oven Door!! BIG SECRET!!) Top with your favorite topping when cool!

There is the recipe BUT, I use this recipe for ALL fruit filled Cheesecake also! So today I am going to just roll in a cup of Montmorency Tart Cherries that I have let thaw and drain. Then I am going to make a cherry filling to spread on the top and put a touch of whip cream for decoration only. I am using the Balaton Cherry for this mission because it keeps its shape better. It will have nice and round cherries like ‘Right off the Tree” look in my cheesecake. I can hardly wait to taste it.

With this recipe, if you are folding in fruit, make sure it is as drained as you can get it or you will get some wet spots around your fruit that you added. I just watched Julie and Julia a couple days ago so the excitement it climbing!