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What’s Happening this Week?

Things have been so busy in the market! Our sweet cherry u-pick crop has been small, but it’s lasted through the 4th of July weekend, which is very good. We are expecting it to end by Sunday, June 11th however, so be sure to get out here while you can! Picking is a bit of a challenge if you compare to past years, because of how spaced out the cherries are on the branches. They are delicious though! Betsy is calling this year the “doing, not getting year”, because it’s more about going out and having fun than getting as many cherries as you can in your bucket.

In other news, the raspberries are looking great for this weekend. Our raspberries are “everbearing”, which means that raspberries ripen in batches all summer long. It’s so fun and easy to go out there and pick them, I highly recommend giving it a try.

If picking off of bushes isn’t your idea of u-pick fun,  Apricots may be for you. We’re planning to have apricots ready for picking this weekend, although they will still be quite firm. Hard apricots are perfect for traveling though, so if you’re passing through the area, be sure to take some home with you!

Be sure to stay tuned for the latest U-pick, Market, and general updates on the blog and our facebook!