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Upick apples

The M88 apple block has been laid out with u-pick in mind, and we have promoted our u-pick for several yeHoneycrisp applesars. However, as the apples on the M-88 farm began to develop this year I realized that they were all russeted. Russet is a brown rough finish on an apple skin that is usually the result of cold wet weather during bloom. The severity of russeting can be influenced by sprays as well, usually during bloom time. Russeted apples do not size well, and may crack.

My response to the russet problem was to remove all of the fruit from the affected trees. Most of the trees in our M-88 block are under 4 years old and by removing the fruit we would encourage very strong growth and increase our capabilities for a good crop in years to come.

This has been a very bitter pill but the net results are that there will be no u-pick this year at King Orchards, and that the apple trees grew vigorously this year and should be in great shape for u-pick next year.

The good news is that the M-88 apple block is about 25% of our apple acreage, and the apples at Jim’s and Russell Ridge farms were not affected, so we will still have all of your favorite apples in the markets for this year, just no u-pick.
We will have raspberries for u-pick and the orchard is open for anyone to take a walking tour (unguided unless I am available).
