Woke up to a beautiful white day. This is turning out to be one of the cooler springs in quite a while. So far this is all good for fruit growers. We are getting our trimming done while the trees are staying quite dormant. There is still the risk of frost or cold damage to the buds or blossoms, but, with each passing day the window where the crop is vulnerable gets smaller. It is a great time of year for growers because we are still at 100% crop potential.
Anticipating a good crop we have purchased dozens and dozens of new half bushel baskets, new t-shirt style bags for sweet corn and veggies with our logo. We bought 1,000 plastic cherry lugs last year and then they were not even unpacked. We also bought 700 new large plastic bins for shaking cherries into for making concentrate last year so we hope to put those to use this year too.
Most of the field hands are back to work trimming trees, and the shop guys are getting equipment ready to go. The bees are expected to show up from Florida tomorrow.