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Blossom Alert!


apricot trees in full bloom
Apricot Trees in Full Bloom

It is an exciting time for blossom lovers! The bees are buzzing and the smell of flowers is wafting through the air which can only mean one thing-the apricots have finally reached full bloom! With the forecast of the upcoming warm weather, we expect sweet cherries to bloom by Memorial weekend with tart cherries, peaches and apples to follow. This is a heads up to all you blossom chasers that for the next 10 days we should have something in bloom around the orchard. Because of the late year and the effects of the cold winter, there may be some “anticlimatic blooming” but none the less, the blossoms are coming and our growing season has started. Besides the bees being busy, our field crews are humming right along also with tree trimming, tree replacement planting and weed control. The orchards look great, thanks crew. John did have one sleepless night watching the temperatures but we escaped any damage and all is good. Asparagus is coming into the market this week and that will make Betsy’s life easier because, when asked “What is for dinner?”, the answer is easy; “asparagus”.

replacement apple tree planting
Replacement Apple Tree Planting
bee hive on the orchard
Bee Hive on the Orchard