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Cherry Coney Sauce for Hotdogs, Brats, or Burgers

This recipe for Cherry Coney Sauce during Cherry Month is from one of Betsy King’s good friends, Carol Nelden.

cherry coney sauce







Cherry Coney Sauce for hotdogs, brats, or burgers

Makes 1 Cup, serves 2


  • 2 C King Orchards fresh or frozen sour cherries (for tarter results) OR sweet cherries (for milder results). If using frozen, measure while frozen. Chop 1 C, leave 1 C whole (pulsing frozen in blender makes it easy (use all ice crystals or juice)
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 2 t olive oil
  • 1 t garlic, minced
  • 1 t cummin (add more to taste if desired)
  • 1/4 t salt
  • 1 Chipolte chili pepper canned in Adobo sauce, mince it (omit if don’t like hot)
  • 2 T Cherry Juice concentrate


Saute onion and garlic in the oil until clear, about 2 minutes. Add cherries and juice, cummin, salt, chili pepper, concentrate, bring to a boil, reduce to low and simmer uncovered until consistency desired, approximately 15 minutes.

Serve on top of hotdogs, hamburgers, or brats.