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King Orchards is committed to the protection of its workers, providing the most up to date information on what crop protection actions have been taken in what areas. The official Central Posting is located in the main office at the M-88 Farm.

REI or Restricted Entry Interval is the is the time that a area of the farm is closed to all employees after an application of a pesticide. If the date in the REI column has not passed do not enter that area. Dates that have not passed will be colored red.

For further questions ask your supervisor or Jack King Cell: 231-590-9360

Simple REI look up



Full REI look up (Link To google sheets work book)

M-88 Weather Station

Creswell Weather Station

Application record Keeping Link:


Decontamination Sites & Block Names Maps:

Pesticide Safety Poster



Ziram SDS Yuma_4E_MSDS2r Vitazyme Urea MSDS Trellis Treevix SDS TOPSIN M WSB tilt SDS Tebucon 45DF-SDS Teb-45DF-Spec-Label SWITCH® 62.5 WG SDS Sulphur DF Sulforix SDS Stinger SDS solubor-2012 SEVIN BRAND XLR PLUS CARBARYL INSECTICIDE sds_Dupont_MatrixSG SDS.Parka_.01.25.16 SDS US – TRI-FOL Scala 400 sc Round Up Rimon_0.83EC_NY_MSDS2 ReTain Plant Growth Regulator Soluble Powder Rely_280_Herbicide4e_MSDS Quintec SDS Propicon-3_6EC-SDS PRISTINE SDS Polyram SDS Poast PERM-UP 3.2 EC SDS Perlan SDS Penncozeb 80 WP Orius_3.6_SDS Orius_3.6F_Label Orbit SDS Nuprid SDS Nevado_4F_MSDS3_tcm13-84027 Nealta_MSDS Mustang Max MSO CONCENTRATE Motivate SDS merivon-fungicide-msds MALATHION 8 AQUAMUL MALATHION 5EC Mag-na-bon MSDS Luna_Tranquility1e_MSDS Luna_Sensation_MSDS1e LI_700_MSDS6 Laudis_NY_Herbicide__MSDS Lambda-Cy-1EC-SDS Koverall_MSDS Koverall Koverall SDS Kasumin 2L INSPIRE SUPER SDS INITIATE 720 SDS Indar 2F Incognito_85_WDG1f_MSDS_tcm13-84022 Imidan 70 W Gramoxone_8661_en_SDS GEM-Material-Safety-Data-Sheet-MSDS FRUITONEN215_11 FOLI-GRO BORON 10-SDS US-Default FireWall_MSDS_10-12-12 FireLineTM_17_WP_MSDS2 Falgro 2X LV SDS Exirel SDS Exilis Plus SDS Elevate 50 WDG SDS Echo 90 DF AG DREXEL CHLORPYRIFOS 4E-AG DiPel DF SDS Devrinol 50DF SDS Delegate WG Danitol 2.4EC Cuprofix Ultra 40 CornerStone Pluse SDS Chlorpyrifos (MANA) Chlorpyrifos (MANA) SDS Centaur WDG SDS Captan_80WDG_MSDS BioCover™ SDS CON046 Belt_SC_MSDS Beleaf 50 SG SDS Baythroid_XL1e_MSDS AvianControlMSDSrevisedAvianEnterprises Atrazine-4l-herbicide_sds Assail 70WP Assail 30G SDS Apollo_SC_MSDS3_tcm13-83924 Apogee_PGR_MSDS_2015 Alion_MSDS AIM EC SDS ag_lime_Standard_camas Agri-Mek sc ag-cal-sds actara 07222015 Acramite_50WS_MSDS 9-0-0_9.0_ZINC_CHELATE_SOLUTION_EDTA_MSDS 2,4-D Amine 4 SDS 15.5-0-0 SDS