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Sparkling Red Cherry Punch

Sparkling Red Cherry PunchHere’s a festive and simple holiday punch recipe, courtesy of the Cherry Marketing Institute. For a festive garnish, add a pitted cherry and a slice of orange on a cocktail pick to each glass.

1-1/2 cups tart cherry juice (mix 1.5 ounces of King Orchards Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate with 10.5 ounces water)
1/2 cup orange juice
1/2 cup orange liqueur such as grand marnier, curacao or cointreau
1 bottle (750 ml) champagne or sparkling wine

In a large pitcher, combine cherry juice, orange juice and liqueur. Chill at least 1 hour or up to 24 hours. Just before serving stir cherry mixture. Tilt pitcher; slowly pour in champagne. Stir gently. Serve in champagne flutes or wine glasses. Makes 8 servings.

Nutrition Info:
Nutrition Information per serving: 63 calories, 0 g total fat, 8 g carbohydrate, 0 mg cholesterol, 0 g protein, 0 g fiber, 3 mg sodium. Daily Values: 0% vitamin A, 10% vitamin C, 0% calcium, 0% iron