Peaches & Nectarines
Garnet Beauty Peaches
A bud sport of Red Haven discovered in the orchard of Garnet Bruner in Ontario. It matures two weeks before Michigan Red Havens and is semi-cling. Very sweet and delicious.
Red Haven Peaches
Red Haven peaches are the all-time favorite of peach lovers for both canning and eating fresh. They are freestone, which means that the fruit comes free from the stone when peeled. Other areas of the country may grow more of this fruit than we do here, but nothing compares with the flavor of Michigan peaches. We even have customers from Wisconsin who trek across the U.P. every year to stock up on Michigan Red Havens. Keep your eye out for them starting mid-August.
Nectarines are rarely found this far north, however our lake view hills serve as a perfect home for these trees. Although a short season, it is not one to miss! You know it is nectarine season when every employee and customer has juice dripping down their face from a fresh, tree ripened nectarine.
U-Pick peach season begins around mid-August and lasts approximately three weeks. Nectarine season usually falls in the middle of peach season and lasts one to two weeks.

Do you grow mackinaw peaches?
Thanks for the question. We only grown Red Haven and Donut peaches.
Hope this helps you out.
Can you please let me know when Michigan Red Havens are coming to Southeast Wisconsin.
We should have Red Haven peaches ready for u-pick around the middle of August.
Hello, when are your Red Haven peaches ready for sale? Do you send a box over to Beaver Island?
Thank you,
Patty Mueller
Our peaches won’t be ready for another week to ten days. Taking a box to Charelvoix would require a special trip on our part as our employee that lived there has retired. If you want to arrange the transportation, we could send a driver with your peaches to the airport. It would cost 1 hour wages + gas + costs of peaches if you’d like to choose this option. Let us know what you’d like to do.
Hi, Are red haven peaches still available? Can we pick our own? Could you give me an idea of price for half bushel or bushel?
Thank you so much…we will be in your area this coming weekend
We will have u-pick red haven peaches this weekend. The price for u-pick is 1/2 peck is $24.00, 2 for $40 (same as a half bushel). The price for peaches in the market is $32 for a half bushel and $60 for a bushel. See you this weekend.
Do you ever ship the peaches?
Hi Doris,
Unfortunately, we do not ship peaches because they are so fragile. We do, however, ship apples. Here is the link if you are interested:Apple Shipping
Do you ship peaches in Michigan and are they still available?
Hi Denise,
Unfortunately, we do not ship peaches because they are very fragile. We do, however, ship apples. Here is a link if you are interested:Single Layer Apple Gift Pack (18 Apples)