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It feels like fall!

The temperatures have dropped and I’m hankering for an apple! Football, cool weather, and labor day makes it feel like fall. This summer was so warm and wonderful but I’m ready for apples, squash and plums. Ginger Gold and Sanza apples are in and we are getting ready to ship. I have new packaging and quality apples to make things wonderful. Think about shipping a package to your favorite person, $25.00 for the apples plus shipping. Don’t wait long the Ginger Gold and Sanzas don’t stick around for long. The first of the squash is in, and now that it is cool we can turn the oven on to cook it. Raspberries are going wild. We pick 116 pints. Were are all those raspberry u-pickers. I’m sticking a bunch in the freezer for raspberry muffins this winter. Off to a football game- Central Lake against Atlanta. Go Mike King and the Trojans!