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Fruitstand Update & Top Ten Ways to Eat Asparagus

We’re still in the thick of asparagus season. Stop by the M-88 or US-31 markets from 9 until 6, and pick up a pound or ten of these fresh, delicious Michigan treats.

The King Orchards bakery is fired up for the season and turning out fresh homemade pies, cookies, muffins and donuts.

Strawberry season should be starting soon. We’ll keep you posted. In the meantime, we’ve put together our top ten list of ways to enjoy fresh Michigan asparagus. Feel free to comment below to share your own tips and recipe ideas.

Top 10 Ways to Eat Asparagus

Top 10 Ways to Eat Asparagus
1. Grilled with sea salt

2. Soup

3. Sauteed in Soy Sauce

4. Baked/Broiled in Olive Oil

5. Boiled

6. Quiche

7. Pickled

8. Scrambled Eggs

9. Casserole

10. Raw!