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Tart cherries are here!


The u-pickers have started picking the Montmorency tart cherries and they look good. The tart cherry pitter is running smoothly so when a u-pick customer picks a large lot of cherries they can get them pitted and into bags with the juice for freezing. We won’t be machine harvesting the Monts for another 4-5 days and then we will have them available in the market already picked. FJK_1267
The early apricots are almost gone and the later variety is still several days off so we have a bit of a lull.
Raspberries have been coming in every day but the heat is making the plants look rough and bedraggled.
Sweet cherries are still in full swing but by this weekend u-pickers may have to work a little harder to find them. Right now we still have copious amounts easy to pick.
The big news is that we had our first harvest from the expanded garden! Kale, Lettuce, Spinach, Beet Greens, are rolling in and the garden veggies are looking very nice. We have a couple dedicated employees who were weed picking and hoeing leading up to this. We also got enough water to the veggies with the water wheel irrigation.

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