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Spring Has Arrived!

trimming montmorency tart cherry trees in the orchardAfter a long winter, spring has finally arrived at King Orchards. As I walk outside the market, I can smell the pungent odor of the turkey manure that has been spread throughout the orchards between last fall and this spring, hear the wind machines roaring as they get them ready for the busy frost prevention season, and see all the crews hard at work hand trimming trees.

The crews have been busy at work undertaking the huge task of hand trimming every tree throughout the orchards. Each variety of tree requires its own special approach to trimming and takes many years of experience. Trimming is the most important for young trees because we are shaping the way that tree will look and perform for its entire life, which averages about 30 years.


Spring may be here, but the cold hasn’t quite left. We are just now entering the most high risk time for the fruit trees due to warmer days followed by cold nights which leads to frost. We are just now mark-trim-2seeing the buds start to swell on the apricot and cherry trees which pushes them into the beginning of their most vulnerable time period. Unfortunately, Mother Nature doesn’t always cooperate and there is not much we can do to prevent frost damage if it gets cold enough. However, we do try everything we can to create a warmer micro-climate in the orchard which includes firing up the new wind tower that we bought last year along with our ground fans to circulate the air and push the cold air downhill and away from the trees.

As you can see, spring is an exciting and busy time on the orchard. We are looking forward to the lush green grass, steady buzz of the bees, and sweet smell of the blossoms in the coming weeks.  Let’s hope Mother Nature cooperates this spring for a fruitful season like last year!