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A Frosty Morning

5/20/15 cold morning frosts a dandelion next to King Orchard’s apples
5/20/15 cold morning frosts a dandelion next to King Orchard’s apples

It was a cold and frosty morning today which made last night a long night on the farm. At just about 1 a.m. the cold started to settle in, starting at 32 dredges and we saw temperatures as low as 28 degrees by 6 a.m. Closely watching the MSU weather stations on Enviro-weather, we were poised to start our frost prevention fans when the temperatures dropped to around 30 degrees. We are operating ground and tower fans. The tower, is a Chinook fan which is 35 feet tall and spins an 18 foot blade. The fan head rotates to blow air horizontally in all four directions. This way the layers of warm air will be mixed up helping to prevent the cold air from settling. In addition to our 3 towers we have several ground level 6’ fans. These fans help push cold air out of the low spots. As the sun comes up, only time will tell how well our plan worked to protect the tart cherry and apple blossoms from frost. Giving 110% on long nights like this makes us proud of what we do.

Fresh frost in the King Orchards pick your own apple block
Fresh frost in the King Orchards pick your own apple block








































