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Sweet Cherry U-Pick Season Coming to a Close

After an extremely plentiful and high quality crop, our sweet cherry u-pick season is coming to a close.

sweet cherry u-pick at King OrchardsWe held back the shaking crew as long as we could because the sweet cherry u-pick was so nice. The shaking crew did go through the sweet cherries at our M-88 Market yesterday so most of the cherries are off the trees, but there still is a few to pick that the shaker didn’t get off.

Fun Fact of the Day: We hand pick the majority of our sweet cherries and sell them fresh, however towards the end of the season we shake sweet cherry trees, just like our tart cherry trees. Then, we send these cherries off to processors who make them into black sweet cherry ice cream, black sweet cherry yogurt, and many other products.

Thank you to everyone who joined us for this excellent sweet cherry crop!