Pick your own apples is officially open at our M-88 Market. As of 8/31, we are picking both Gingergold and McIntosh apples. We are looking forward to a great apple crop this year. The trees are full of beautiful fruit! We also have apples available to purchase in both markets including Sansa, Zestar, Paula Red, Gingergold, and McIntosh.
Along with apples, we still have Red Haven peaches. The quality has been top notch this year! They are sweet and full of flavor. We also have Castleton plums and nectarines (get ’em while they’re still here)!
John’s famous sweet corn is at its peak! We have it available in all quantities so get your canning or freezing done now. Speaking of canning, this is the last weekend for canning tomatoes. They are very high quality but we have a limited supply.