Pick Your Own Apples Means it is Officially Fall in Northern Michigan!
Fall in Northern Michigan wouldn’t be the same without a walk through the orchard to pick your own apples! At King Orchards, we strive to make a fantastic apple picking experience for everyone. We grow dwarf apple trees and prune them specifically for u-pick apples to make it easy for people of all ages to […]
Gingergold Apple U-Pick is Open!
We have officially opened apple u-pick on Gingergolds! They are available at both of our markets as well. We also have a few Zestars, Sansas, and Paula Reds. The price on apples are $12/half bushel, $8/peck, and $5/half peck. Honeycrisp apples are not far behind. The cold nights followed by sunny days really help add […]
Michigan Canning Tomatoes!
We just brought in a truck full of beautiful Michigan canning tomatoes from our farmer friend, Katrina Iott out of Petersburg, MI. We have them available by the 1/2 bushel. We also have fresh Castleton Prune Plums in our markets. We will have them available by the half bushel shortly. Fresh sweet corn is still […]
Red Haven Peaches
All the peaches are off the trees but our coolers are filled with them! We have Red Haven peaches available by the 1/2 bushel. We also have nectarines and apricots still available in our markets. The raspberry u-pick has been good lately and will get better as we move further into the fall season. U-pick […]
Apples for Labor Day Weekend!
Today was an exciting day! We got the first few apples in- Zestar, Paula Red, and Sansa apples! We all enjoy that first big crunch of the season. The apples will be here to stay. Gingergolds should start sometime after Labor Day and many more varieties to follow, including everyone’s favorite– Honeycrisp. Peach season is […]
Red Haven Peaches are Here!
The Red Haven peaches all you canners have been waiting for are in! The extreme winter temperatures took a toll on the trees so it is a slightly lighter crop than usual. We hope to have u-pick through the week. We also have them available in our markets. Our apricot season is beginning to wind […]
Last Day for U-Pick Apricots (8/18); Red Haven Peaches Later This Week!
Today (8/18) is the last day for u-pick apricots. We hope to still have them in our markets through the weekend. Red Haven peaches will be in the markets soon! We will have a few trickling in this week and hope to open u-pick at both markets Thursday. We still have lots of Michigan produce […]
Michigan Produce In the Markets…
Our markets are filled with wonderful Michigan produce! From our own gardens, we have pickling cucs, slicing cucumbers, yellow squash and zucchini. We have some amazing produce from our friendly neighbors to the south in Bay City. That includes sweet corn, melons, tomatoes, green peppers, onions, potatoes, and green beans. We also have dried beans […]
U-Pick Apricots are in Full Swing!
The apricot season has officially begun! Both markets are open for u-pick apricots and they are beautiful, juicy, and sweet! There is absolutely nothing like a tree ripened apricot. Just a disclaimer; be prepared for drip down your face juicy deliciousness! The pick your own apricots are $1.60/lb and $6.00/quart in our markets. We hope […]